Wild Liger Video Review

I pretty much did this one as a video because I don’t care enough about the millionth Liger Zoid to go to the trouble of doing a full writeup and editing pictures.

Having assembled it now, though, I have to say this has by far the most interesting Wild Blast gimmick in the line, and while I still have… reservations, let’s say, about the way it looks, it’s got enough going for it that I still like it.

And that’s it for the first batch of Zoids Wild kits. The next thing you’ll see from me is the finished PG Aile Strike, and I’m also working on a weathering tutorial series that may or may not see the light of day at some point in this decade. I’m still thinking I want to do an overall final Zoids Wild review, but I haven’t quite made up my mind what that’s going to look like and whether it’ll be here or in Youtube. We’ll see.

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